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Based on the Text What Does the Word Process Mean

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the main body of matter in a manuscript, book, newspaper, etc., as distinguished from notes, appendixes, headings, illustrations, etc.

the original words of an author or speaker, as opposed to a translation, paraphrase, commentary, or the like: The newspaper published the whole text of the speech.

the actual wording of anything written or printed: You have not kept to the text of my remarks.

any of the various forms in which a writing exists: The text is a medieval transcription.

the wording adopted by an editor as representing the original words of an author: the authoritative text of Catullus.

the words of a song or the like.

a short passage of Scripture, especially one chosen in proof of a doctrine or as the subject of a sermon: The text he chose was the Sermon on the Mount.

the letter of the Holy Scripture, or the Scriptures themselves.


  1. black letter.
  2. type, as distinguished from illustrations, margins, etc.

Linguistics. a unit of connected speech or writing, especially composed of more than one sentence, that forms a cohesive whole.

anything considered to be a subject for analysis by or as if by methods of literary criticism.

verb (used without object) Digital Technology.

to send a text message: Texting while driving is an accident asking to happen.

verb (used with object) Digital Technology.

to send a text message about or containing: He texted congratulations to his niece on her new job. Compare instant message (def. 2).

to send a text message to: The only way I can ever reach her is to text her.


We Asked: What Are The Most Annoying Words To Use When Texting?

Ugh, texting is the worst. This woman has been talking with someone she has a crush on but she has no idea what their texts mean.




We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms.

Which of the following words describes "sky blue"?

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Origin of text

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English, from Medieval Latin textus "text, terms," Latin: "text, structure," originally, "pattern of weaving, texture (of cloth)," equivalent to tex(ere) "to weave" + -tus suffix of verbal action


textless, adjective

Words nearby text

Texas Revolution, Texas sage, Texas tower, Texel, Tex-Mex, text, text blindness, textbook, textbookish, text edition, text editor Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021


What is a basic definition oftext?

Text is the exact, original words written by an author. Text is also a specific work as written by the original author. Text is also commonly used to refer to a text message or to send a text message. Text has several other senses as a noun.

Text refers to the actual words written in a book, newspaper, blog post, or any other written work. Pictures, charts, and other images are not text. When you read something, you are looking at text and using your language skills to get meaning out of it. Something that doesn't contain any text is textless.

Real-life examples: Books, newspapers, and magazines all contain a lot of text. Even picture books or art books might have text to describe the images.

Used in a sentence: The news editor broke up the large amount of text by putting charts and photographs between paragraphs.

Related to this sense, text refers to specific written works as they were created by the original author. For example, if your teacher asks you to consult the text of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven," they want you to read the exact words of the poem that Poe wrote rather than a synopsis or a translation by a different writer.

Used in a sentence: I think most people would find the Lord of the Rings movies more exciting than the original text.

Text also refers to a text message, an electronic message sent by mobile devices and some computer apps.

Real-life examples: If you own a smartphone, you probably send and receive texts almost every day. Your friends, family, and cellphone company are all likely to send you texts.

Used in a sentence: My sister sent me a text about the $10 I owe her.

Text also means to send a text message.

Used in a sentence: She spends a lot of time texting her friends.

Where doestext come from?

The first records of text come from the early 1300s. It ultimately comes from the Latin textus, meaning "texture" (of cloth). Textus comes from the Latin verb texere, meaning "to weave." The word textile also comes from texere.

Did you know ... ?

How istext used in real life?

Text is a common word that often refers to written words or things that contain a lot of writing. Text also very often refers to text messaging.

I need audible conversation. Too much text and I'm numb, I prefer to hear a voice.

— Rob Hill Sr. (@RobHillSr) February 22, 2020

A House committee released the text of $900 billion in pandemic relief and $1.4 trillion in government funding just hours before lawmakers are supposed to begin voting on the combined bill.

— Shehzad Younis (@shehzadyounis) December 21, 2020

I drove 20 miles to deliver a six-roll pack of toilet paper to a friend. He had me throw it over his fence. When he saw the toilet paper, he sent me a text saying "you saved us!" The world is super weird right now.

— Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner) April 20, 2020

Try usingtext!

Is text used correctly in the following sentence?

Many fans felt the film adaptation strayed too far from the author's original text.

How to use text in a sentence

  • Speaking of typing, tools like autocorrect and predictive text can save you a substantial amount of time.

  • Try to stay clear or exact match or partial match anchor text as this could be seen as too spammy.

  • It is important to create more detailed description for your video because search engines still rely on text content to index and rank your video.

  • Potts provided texts she sent to friends immediately after the meeting showing she had expected to meet with both Walker and Mallott.

  • Like GPT-3, Diffbot's system learns by vacuuming up vast amounts of human-written text found online.

  • Catalogue, published by Flammarion (2014), includes photographs from the Magnum Photos archives and text by Éric Hazan.

  • The text amply surveys the various cultural exponents of tattooing accompanied by excellent images.

  • Editor's Note: This article has been revised to include the definition and text of Section 12.

  • A union representative told Buzzfeed News that they never received a text from Liang.

  • (There appears to be no full text available online, but you can watch it here).

  • As the weeks wore on, the pretence of practical teaching was quietly dropped, and we crammed our science out of the text-book.

  • The text of the amendments designed to carry out these recommendations will be submitted by the Board at an early date.

  • To prevent intruders or extruders from withdrawing his mind from the text, he exercises the Inhibitory function of the Attention.

  • Directions for preparing it are given in most of the newer large text-books upon clinical diagnosis.

  • We must keep to the text and not resort to any foreign matter to help the feeble memory.

British Dictionary definitions for text


the main body of a printed or written work as distinct from commentary, notes, illustrations, etc

the words of something printed or written

(often plural) a book prescribed as part of a course of study

computing the words printed, written, or displayed on a visual display unit

the original exact wording of a work, esp the Bible, as distinct from a revision or translation

a short passage of the Bible used as a starting point for a sermon or adduced as proof of a doctrine

the topic or subject of a discussion or work

printing any one of several styles of letters or types


to send a text message from a mobile phone

Derived forms of text

textless, adjective

Word Origin for text

C14: from Medieval Latin textus version, from Latin textus texture, from texere to compose

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Based on the Text What Does the Word Process Mean
